

New gadgets with Spy Ninjas

Hey there Spy Ninjas! How are you guys? 

As you know, for any Spy Ninjas, gadgets are super important. They are also so much fun to use and obviously will help us to solve mysteries and defeat Project Zorgo. 

We wanted to tell you guys about some of our new and favourite tech that we have just made. They are perfect for anyone that is ready to serve as a loyal and skilled Spy Ninja. 

The first gadget you need to know about is the Voice Morpher, Regina’s favourite gadget. This high-tech gadget will make sure you can listen in on Project Zorgo’s conversations whenever you need to. It comes with a noise enhancer so that you can use it on even the most tricky and challenging of missions.

Secondly, we have one of Vy’s favourite gadgets available to you! The secret pen is super useful, you can only read the messages under a UV light. The pack will include the pen, a UV light, a regular Spy Ninjas pen and a secret compartment. This is the perfect way to communicate with other Spy Ninjas secretly.

Finally, we have a gadget called the Sonic Star and it is the ultimate gadget for any important mission you are on, Spy Ninjas. The Sonic Star can be thrown into a room where it will light up instantly. This means you can make an entrance and take any enemies by surprise! It is definitely the perfect distraction.

There you have it Spy Ninjas! The perfect kit of new gadgets for your collection. With these, we are sure we will manage to defeat Project Zorgo once and for all.