To celebrate, we’re giving away a FREE Spy Ninjas Sticker Set (6"x8") with any order for the next 3 days!

Use code: CHADBDAY2025 at checkout!

📅 Valid March 10-12



Christmas Fun with Spy Ninjas

Hey, Spy Ninjas! We have created the ultimate gift guide for you this Christmas. This will make sure you have the coolest gadgets and tech for the upcoming year so that you can be ready to fight off the Project Zorgo hackers. 

One of our favourite things to wear this year has to be this red weapons of choice t-shirt. It is super comfortable so makes it really easy to relax in, especially during the holidays, but also means we are always ready to fight if the opportunity comes around! We also think the pattern is really cool, Chad definitely loves it because it is red- his colour.  

Another good gift to give or receive this Christmas is our active packs. We use these every single day as they are so useful! The active packs make sure we can easily hold all of our gadgets in one place, close by us so that we are prepared for any mission. This is definitely a must have for any Spy Ninja at Christmas time!

Of course along with the active pack, you have to have some cool tech to put inside of it. We recommend the padlock thumbprint and the laser light keyring, both of which are important for missions and also really cool to have. These items are only for the very best Spy Ninjas, especially the padlock which is limited edition!

Finally, for the holidays it is very important to keep nice and toasty even if it may be cold outside. That is why a robe is perfect for any Spy Ninja this Christmas. They are super comfy and warm. Chad and Vy especially love wearing their robes when they are around the pool. The weapons of choice print is definitely a favourite among the Spy Ninjas!

Spy Ninjas, we hope you have an amazing holiday with lots of fun and gifts! We can’t wait to fight more crimes with you by our side next year.